Hooks into Books
Supporting Schools
Short on time to find the perfect books for your classroom?
Our bespoke Hooks into Books packs are a brilliant tool designed to encourage, engage and excite readers across your school, library group or educational setting.
Our team of passionate readers carefully select from hundreds of recently published children’s books, sharing why they would recommend to an educator and creating activities around their recommendations to produce packs of seven books perfect for each Key Stage.
These books are the perfect focus for Reading for Pleasure initiatives while keeping your bookshelves constantly refreshed – always a bonus!
Our team of avid bookworms select exciting and engaging books with the potential to help you have some fun, play with language, illustrate, act out, investigate and create.
"Hooks Into Books was such great value for money - especially as they save teachers that thing that is most invaluable - time! Seven Stories deliver new exciting texts matched well to each key stage and the interests of a wide range of children."
Teacher Stories